Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Found a nifty hack today for an IE
<div id="cont">
<li><span>Some Text</span><span>Some Other Text</span></li>
<li><span>Some Text</span><span>Some Other Text</span></li>
<li><span>Some Text</span><span>Some Other Text</span></li>
<li><span>Some Text</span><span>Some Other Text</span></li>
<!-- ... and so on-->

And for some then unknown reason, the right column of the list would be misaligned with the left column in IE7-5. The second span element in the first li element would appear below its corresponding li block.

The easiest way to solve this problem is to add a statement to a IE
position: absolute;
attribute to only the fist span tags in each li.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A quick video on how to clear you browser history in Mozilla Firefox.

Monday, December 27, 2010

When begging to make the layout of a site it is imperative that all the colors on the page compliment/are in harmony with each other. One great way to do this is to crate a color pallet at This place is one of the first places you should go to chose a color scheme for you site. It is easy to use and completely free!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

If you are deleting content from your site and that page was getting any kind of traffic then you might want to use a redirect to somewhere else on your site.

The best way to do this (platform independent of what browser/OS the user has) is to use a php redirect using the php header function.

Note 1: Php must be installed and running on your server, obviously.

Note 2: This only works if your content was in a php file to begin with. Putting this in an html/htm will not work unless your server is specifically set up to execute php scripts inside files with these extensions.

Note 3: The following code sends a 301 header to the browser, you can change the first line to whatever code you want to send(401, eg.)

Note 4: The ($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) variable simply takes you to the root of your server (your home page usually).


// Permanent redirection
header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently");
header( 'Location: http://' . ($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']));

For those withougth the ability to run php:
The javascript way of doing it...


<SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> 
function getgoing()

if (top.frames.length==0)
alert("You will be redirected to our main page in 10 seconds!");

Sunday, December 19, 2010

IE Tester

I stated using IE tester to debug IE 5.5-8 and have been pleased for the most part. The program allows you to debug all of these IE versions simultaneously in a tabbed browser environment. It is very handy when you want to figure out witch conditional css file you need to add a hack to
The program is currently in its beta stages of development and is fairly buggy at times. When running multiple tabs the program usually crashes so I try to only have one tab open at a time. However I can overlook all of the bugs for the simple fact that the program offers such a great commodity
For any web designers currently hating IE, you might want to give IE Tester a shot.
The program is available for DL at

Friday, December 17, 2010

First post: Firebug-Lite

I have recently discovered a powerful ally in Firebug-lite. Firebug is a popular web development plugging for Mozilla Firefox.

Unfortunately the full version is not available for other browsers. I am new to web design and my least favorite task is having to debug IE 5-7. It is safe to say that at this point I hate these browsers. Many times I have had to hack parts of my layout in order to get them to work on these browsers. I have recently spent hours working on conditional css files designed for the sole purpose of getting my site to look the same way in these browsers; this is in no way fun.

Thankfully however I have recently found a way to get Firebug to run inside of just about any browser. All you have to do is paste the following code into the head section of your webpage:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Or alternatevely just downloas the .js file and include it that way.

Needless to say that this little app is a lifesaver when debugging IE and could possibly help you in any other browser. It does not work in IE5 at all and IE6 support is a little buggy but man it has gotten me out of more than one jam already.